It was a somber day in our little shop today. Our goodbye's to our favorite customers of the two and four-legged kind, were endearing. I have appreciated getting to know you all, and have really enjoyed the cards and eMail messages that have been coming in the past week.
I sincerely hope that you will continue to keep in touch through the Blog & WebStore. We will continue serving you with special requests, contests & our most popular products on the web. If at all possible, LaDeDog! will set up their little "Dog and Pony Show" (pun intended) at the local Sunday Markets this coming Spring, and you will surely see us participating in whatever local Dog Shelter/Humane Society events may come our way.
So I will leave you with some quotes from one of my favorite movies, "You've Got Mail", which really express this closing door in my life... But I know in the very near future windows will be flying open.

"Closing the store is the brave thing to do... You are daring to imagine that you could have a different life. Oh, I know it doesn’t feel like that. You feel like a big fat failure. But you’re not. You’re marching into the unknown, armed with … nothing.” Says Birdie to the mourning Shop Around the Corner owner, Kathleen Kelly in the movie “You’ve Got Mail”
I feel this way today.
Kathleen Kelly: “My store is closing this week. I own a store. Did I ever tell you that? Probably not. It’s a lovely store – and in a week, it will be something really depressing, like a Baby Gap. I am being amazingly brave”
I am not really brave… I am just following my gut.
Tomorrow will be the last day of my little dream come true. Though they say, “It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”, I suppose the same rings true for those who try their hand at a small business. And to have thrived for the first year makes it all worth while. But to survive in retail during this eonomic mess is just too much to handle.
Thank you all for an amazing ride!
Renee & Tony,
I know that you are feeling sad about having to close your doors. Your shop was always cheerful and inviting, with such a great selection of products. You will be missed in Astoria, but I know you will be successful in your future ventures.
Good Luck, Lenore M
Nobody has done a finer job at creating such a flawless atmosphere & to have put it into a dog boutique couldn't have been any better. You were meant to do this & I hope that someday soon, you can do it again! Thank you for putting a smile on my face every time I shop with you & read your newsletters. You will be missed! Brooke
Sigh! I love this movie... this part I'm not sooo fond of... terribly sad... and I'm sorry that this is real life for you at this time. Perhaps selling online and no over head of a shop will be good! I hope so!
Nice to meet you via You've Got Mail on your site and You've Got Mail on my site... funny how people in this blog world connect!
We have pets in common too... lately I have been painting a lot of adored pets!
I wish you well in your new adventures... stop by again!
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